Weights Supplements



What do Supplements do?

Supplements can aid you in terms of weight and cardio training. They are specially designed for either heavier weight training, mass-gain or restrictive fat-loss modes.

All supplements are taken specifically at the clients risk, certain people have experienced side effects and to be honest, it is far better to dose up on vitamins and minerals.

Here are a few of the more popular on the market and their effects

Supplement Action Taken on Usual dosage
Creatine Improves strength performance and workout recovery After training in mass-gain mode 2-20g daily
Glutamine Helps muscle recovery and immune system When on diet or periods of high-intensity training or stress 5-20g daily
HMB Can help decrease muscle breakdown and increase muscle mass During high-intesity training or after a long break 3-5g daily
ZMA Increases testosterone and IGF-1 levels, which are needed for growth After training 2-3 caps daily


Maintain Joint Health Regulary 1.2-1.5g chondroitin;

1.5-3g glucosamine


metabolism increase and appetite suppressant

During fat-loss dieting 20-75mg ephedrine daily;

100-200mg caffeine

MELATONIN Sleep aid & recovery Before bed 1-3mg