


Popular diet reviews

Click here for more on dietsThere is not one diet for all, each individual will usually try a number of diets to find the one suitable for them. However, certain diets are simply fads and are used as a way of making money from  peoples need for change.

Click on the picture above to read the full review of most diets.

Always, remember that if one doesn't work another one will!

Name of diet Details Pro & Cons Effectiveness
One dimensional A single food or type of food (e.g. all fruit or yoghurt only diet) No advantages. Hunger, boredom and bowel problems can result. Not recommended. Causes vitamin and mineral difficiency over long periods and muscle loss.
High-fibre A range of high-fibre foods(e.g. fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and nuts) Helps satisfy appetite without alot of calories.

Too much fibre can cause wind and indigestion

A good diet as long as a mix of foods are eaten.
Low-calorie(liquid diets with less than 500 calories a day) A liquid made from soy flour and low-fat milk solids rich in protein Doesn't teach stable eating habits. May aggrivate metabolic disorders. Supervision recommended. May lead to muscle loss, can be helpful for very obese people when other diets have failed.
Low-Carbs / High-Protein Little or no carbs, small amounts of protein high foods. No calorie restriction. Monotonous, unpalatable, nutritionally unusual. High in fat and leaves the body with a lack of glucogen the primary source of energy for the brain Possibly harmful due to loss of fluid and tissue protein.
Balanced calorie controlled diet Variety of nurtricious lowfat foods with calorie control Most people will lose weight if keep between 1,200 - 1,500 calories a day with exercise! Highly recommended. Teaches a life-long eaten habit which can be maintained after diet ends.